1. name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Hand.Fest gGmbH
Colditzstraße 34-36, 12099 Berlin
Year of foundation: 2013 {Play}
2. complete statutes and information on our objectives
Articles of association Hand.Fest gGmbH {Play}
3. certificate of the tax office on the recognition of non-profit status
Current notice of exemption from corporation tax {Play}
4. name and function of the main decision-makers
Management: Jakob Wehner, Daniel Pilgrim
Shareholder: Schildkröte GmbH (100%) represented by the management {Play}
5. report on the activities
Hand.Fest gGmbH Activity report 2023 {Play}
6. information on the personnel structure
The company employed an annual average of 89.25 people in the 2023 financial year (previous year: 81).’ {Play}
7/8 Information on the source and use of funds
We publish our annual financial statements in the Federal Gazette. For your search query, please enter the search term ‘Hand.Fest gGmbH’. {Play}
9. corporate affiliation with third parties
Hand.Fest gGmbH is a subsidiary of Schildkröte GmbH. Schildkröte GmbH is the parent company of the following companies: {Play}
- Greens unlimited Berlin GmbH (100%)
- Hand.Fest gGmbH (100%)
10. names of legal entities whose annual donation accounts for more than 10% of our total annual income
Hand.Fest gGmbH finances its work primarily with funds from the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family and the State Office for Health and Social Affairs. {Play}