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Hand.Fest gGmbH

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Welcome to the
inclusion company
Hand.Fest gGmbH

Catering in daycare centres and schools

We are the inclusive company Hand.Fest gGmbH. People with and without disabilities work together in our company. Our focus is on preparing high-quality products in the kitchen for communal catering in daycare centres and schools. {Play}

Logoelement bunte Ähren

Our locations in Berlin

Click on the individual locations for more information. {Play}

Non-profit group of companies

Together with Schildkröte GmbH and GREENs unlimited Berlin GmbH, we are committed to helping people with disabilities and young people with difficulties starting out in their careers. We train young people with and without disabilities in the following professions: chef, catering specialist, catering trainee and catering trainee. {Play}

Logos von Schildkröte GmbH, GREENs unlimited Berlin GmbH und Hand.Fest gGmbH

Television report in the evening programme of the RBB

Alexander talks about his day-to-day work as a media designer at Hand.Fest. {Play}

Inclusion – everyone is included

People with and without disabilities work together in our organisation as a matter of course. In this way, we promote participation in social life. Our motto is ‘Hand in hand with passion!’ Aktion Mensch supports us in implementing an inclusive catering offer. {Play}

Where does your food come from?

As a partner in the project, we are pursuing the goal of increasing the proportion of regional organic food in communal catering and making it a topic of discussion in schools. {Play}

Hand.Fest gGmbH wins the 2021 Inclusion Award

Since 2003, the state of Berlin has awarded the Inclusion Prize to Berlin companies that train or employ severely disabled people in an exemplary manner. {Play}